Thursday, 30 January 2025

സകറാത്തുൽ മൗത്തെന്തു രസം.

1 . ദിക്റിന്നിടമില്ല.. മദ്കൂറിന്നൊഴിയില്ല"

No more remembrance—For there is no veil between the lover and the Beloved.

നിക്കാരം നോമ്പജ്ജ് സക്കാത്തും അടവില്ല"

(There is no place for merely obligations; remembrance... ,The practices of remembrance, daily prayers, fasting, zakat, and hajj 

No more remembrance—For there is no veil between the lover and the Beloved.


there is no escape from the gathering...)

icha pachaykk kacodam cheyyunnilla

Mohammad Irfan, [1/30/2025 10:35 AM]

Here’s a refined, evocative version of your Sufi lyrics, amplifying their mystic intensity and lyrical flow:  



No treasure mine but the breath of Layla—her scent, a silk thread  

Guiding my pulse through labyrinths where even stars grow hushed.  

*Only her whisper* bids me walk this path—thorned, yet honey-fed.  

To dance unshackled by reason’s cage—oh, ecstasy’s sweet blight!  

To drink the wine of mortal end, where soul and silence wed—  

No dirge of separation, no veil between *Seeker* and *Sought*…  

The prayer, the fast, the pilgrim’s cry—not burdens, but love’s thread.  

For when the heart becomes a dervish, whirling in Her name,  

Rituals melt like dawn’s first gold… and God is but the flame."  


Key refinements:  

1. Vivid Imagery: "Caravan of dust," "silk thread," "thorned, yet honey-fed" deepen the paradox of sacred struggle.  

2. Mystic Paradox: Emphasized the Sufi theme of divine madness ("ecstasy’s sweet blight") and death as union.  

3. Rhythm & Flow: Tightened cadence for musicality, using enjambment and internal rhyme (e.g., "wed/Sought," "name/flame").  

4. Symbolic Layering: "Dervish whirling" ties to Sufi practice; "God is but the flame" evokes both annihilation and illumination.  

5. Pillar Rebirth: Transformed Salat/Sawm/Hajj/Zakat into "love’s thread," framing rituals as organic extensions of devotion.  

Would you lean further into any particular metaphor or rhythm?

Mohammad Irfan, [1/30/2025 11:52 AM]

Here’s a refined version of your Sufi literature, incorporating deeper metaphors, inner meanings, and a lyrical, mystical essence:


Layla’s Fragrance

What tether binds me to this fleeting realm,

And what claim do I hold upon these shadowed trails?

None—save for the whisper of Layla’s breeze,

A breath of longing that lures me back again.

Long have I wandered these endless miles,

Gazing in wonder at the trinkets of Layla’s Qasr,

As if the prayer of the lost must bow to the law

Of Jam' and Qasr, offered to none but I.

A twig, severed from the wild thickets,

Yet its wound sings through my marrow’s core.

I offer it to Layla with the fire of my lips—

Yet, was it not your sickle that cleaved it apart?

And today, in the palace, it sways as Layla’s Arak.

No more remembrance—

For there is no veil between the lover and the Beloved.

How blissful is the madness that dissolves the self,

And how sweet is the intoxication of death!


This version enhances the metaphors and deepens the spiritual symbolism, while maintaining the raw beauty of longing, divine love, and annihilation in the Beloved.

Would you like any refinements, or do you want me to adjust the rhythm to fit a specific poetic meter?

Mohammad Irfan, [1/30/2025 12:03 PM]

Here’s the translation of your lyrics into Malayalam, preserving the mystical and poetic essence of the original:


എന്തു കയറാണ് ഈ ക്ഷണികമായ ലോകത്തിൽ എന്നെ കെട്ടിടുന്നത്,  

ഈ നിഴലടഞ്ഞ പാതകളിൽ എന്താണ് എന്റെ അവകാശം?  

ഒന്നുമില്ല—ലൈലായുടെ സുഗന്ധത്തിന്റെ മർമ്മരമല്ലാതെ,  

ഒരു ആഗ്രഹത്തിന്റെ ശ്വാസം, എന്നെ വീണ്ടും ഇവിടെ ആകർഷിക്കുന്നു.

ഞാൻ ഈ അനന്തമായ മൈലുകളിൽ നീണ്ടുനിന്ന് സഞ്ചരിച്ചു,  

ലൈലായുടെ കാസറിന്റെ ചില്ലുകളെ അതിശയിച്ച് നോക്കിക്കൊണ്ട്,  

പോലെ തപസ്സുകാരന്റെ പ്രാർത്ഥന നീതിയുടെ നിയമത്തെ വണങ്ങണം  

ജംഉം കസറും, ആരോടും അല്ല, എനിക്ക് മാത്രം അർപ്പിച്ചത്.

ഒരു കൊമ്പ്, കാട്ടുമുള്ളികളിൽ നിന്ന് വേർപെടുത്തപ്പെട്ടത്,  

എന്നിട്ടും അതിന്റെ മുറിവ് എന്റെ അസ്ഥിമജ്ജയിലൂടെ പാടുന്നു.  

ഞാൻ അത് ലൈലായ്ക്ക് എന്റെ അഗ്നിമയമായ ചുണ്ടുകളാൽ സമർപ്പിക്കുന്നു—  

എന്നാൽ, അത് വെട്ടിമാറ്റിയത് നിന്റെ കൊട്ടയല്ലേ?  

ഇന്ന്, ആ കൊട്ടാരത്തിൽ, അത് ലൈലായുടെ അറക്കായി ആടുന്നു.

ഇനി ഓർമ്മയില്ല—  

കാരണം പ്രണയിതാവിനും പ്രിയതമയ്ക്കും ഇടയിൽ ഒരു തിരശ്ശീലയുമില്ല.  

എത്ര ആനന്ദമാണ് ആ ഭ്രാന്ത്, യാതൊന്നും അല്ലാതെ ആത്മാവ് ലയിക്കുന്നത്,  

എത്ര മധുരമാണ് മരണത്തിന്റെ മദ്യം!


Key Notes:  

1. Mystical Tone: The translation retains the Sufi essence, with references to longing, divine madness, and union.  

2. Cultural Nuance: Words like "Qasr" (കാസർ), "Jam'" (ജംഉ), and "Arak" (അറക്ക്) are kept intact to preserve the original imagery, as they resonate with Malayalam readers familiar with Sufi and Arabic influences.  

3. Poetic Flow: The rhythm and lyrical quality are maintained, ensuring the verses feel natural and evocative in Malayalam.  

Let me know if you’d like further refinements!

As Rumi says: "I obey You not out of fear of Hell, nor out of hope for Paradise, but because I have tasted Your love.

Oh God! If I worship you from fear of Hell burn me in hell! If I worship you from hope of paradise Exclude me from paradise! Rabiaaرابعة العدوية.. إمامة العاشقين

"أحبّك حُبين؛ حبّ الهوى *** وحبّا لأنك أهلٌ لذاكا

فأما الذي هو حُبّ الهوى *** فشُغلي بذكرِك عمّن سواكا

وأما الذي أنتَ أهلٌ له *** فكشفُك للحُجب حتى أراكا"

(رابعة العدوية)

  • Intended Remembrance: The practices of remembrance, daily prayers, fasting, zakat, and hajj are not merely obligations; they are heartfelt expressions of love for God. This love transforms these acts into meaningful connections rather than mechanical rituals.

"ഭ്രാന്തായാൽ എന്തു സുഖം"
"സകറാത്തുൽ മൗത്തെന്തു രസം.."

How blissful is the madness that dissolves the self,

And how sweet is the intoxication of death!

  1. Mystical Understanding of Fana:
  • Joy in Spiritual Insanity: The phrase "ഭ്രാന്തായാൽ എന്തു സുഖം" (What joy is there in being mad) can be reinterpreted to suggest that true joy lies in the ecstatic state of being deeply in love with the Divine. This "madness" is a blissful surrender to the spiritual path, where worldly concerns fade away.

  • The line "സകറാത്തുൽ മൗത്തെന്തു രസം" (What is the taste of the pangs of death) carries multiple layers of mystical meaning:

    1. Mystical Understanding of Fana:
    • Fana isn't merely physical death but represents spiritual annihilation
    • It's the dissolution of the ego/self (nafs) into divine consciousness
    • The "taste" (രസം) refers to the spiritual experience rather than physical sensation
    1. Spiritual Intoxication:
    • The term "സകറാത്ത്" (sakarat) shares roots with "sukr" (spiritual intoxication)
    • This intoxication represents divine love overwhelming human consciousness
    • It's seen as a state of ecstatic union with the Divine
    1. Transformative Nature:
    • The "pangs" represent the transformative process
    • The ego's resistance to dissolution creates the apparent pain
    • Once surrendered, the pain transforms into sweetness (രസം)
    1. Levels of Death:
    • Physical death (മൗത്ത്)
    • Ego death (فناء النفس)
    • Mystical death (الفناء في الله)
    • Each level represents deeper surrender to divine reality
    1. The Paradox of Sweet Pain:

    • The question "എന്തു രസം" (what taste) suggests the paradoxical nature
    • Pain becomes pleasure in the context of divine love
    • The suffering of separation transforms into the joy of union

ഇവിടെയീ ദുനിയാവിലെനിക്കെന്ത് ബന്ധം..
ഇരുൾ മൂടിയൊരീ വഴിയിൽ എന്തുണ്ട് സ്വന്തം..

What Chains Claim Me in This material world?  , this Shadowed Realm caravan of dust?  

  • The "chains" in the poem symbolize the attachments and limitations that bind the speaker to the material world and its transient nature ("this caravan of dust"). These chains can represent desires, fears, and societal expectations that prevent spiritual growth and self-realization. In the context of the Law of Detachment, these chains signify the attachments to outcomes, possessions, and the need for security that stem from a lack of understanding of the true Self.
  • The "shadowed realm" suggests a state of confusion, ignorance, or spiritual darkness where one is disconnected from their true essence. It reflects the mundane existence characterized by fear, insecurity, and the pursuit of superficial symbols of success.
  • This aligns with the idea that attachment to the physical world leads to a hollow existence, where individuals chase after symbols (wealth, status) rather than seeking the deeper fulfillment that comes from understanding and connecting with the Self.
  • Relinquishing Attachment:

    • The poem's questioning of what chains claim the speaker indicates a desire to break free from these limitations. It reflects a yearning for liberation from the attachments that bind them to a superficial existence.

    The poem encourages readers to relinquish their attachments to the known and step into the unknown, where true possibilities and spiritual fulfillment await.

ഇളം തെന്നലായെത്തും ലൈലാന്റെ സുഗന്ധം..

the poet beautifully encapsulates the essence of spiritual longing (dawq) and the divine call that transcends the material realm. The whisper of Layla’s breeze serves as a reminder of the ever-present connection to the divine, inviting the speaker to relinquish attachments and embrace the journey toward spiritual fulfillment. This longing is a powerful force that propels the soul toward its true purpose, highlighting the interplay between desire, detachment, and the quest for unity with the divine.

ഈ ഇടവഴിയെ വരണം അവളുടെ നിർബന്ധം
a metaphor for the spiritual journey towards God, emphasizing the importance of both obligatory prayers and nawafil in Sufi thought. In Sufism, obligatory prayers (fard) are essential as they establish a foundation for one's relationship with the Divine, while nawafil (supererogatory prayers) serve to deepen that connection, allowing for personal expression and intimacy with God. The commitment to these practices reflects a soul's yearning to navigate the path of love and devotion, ultimately leading to spiritual fulfillment and closeness to the Divine.

"ഇനിയുമെത്രയോ നാളെൻ വഴിദൂരമുണ്ട്.."
(How many more tomorrows lie ahead on this path...)

This line reflects the ongoing journey of the soul, suggesting that the path to spiritual enlightenment and closeness to the Divine is long and filled with challenges. It acknowledges the distance yet to be traveled, emphasizing patience and perseverance in the quest for spiritual fulfillment.

"ലൈലാന്റെ ഖസ്റിൻ അലങ്കാരം കണ്ട്"
(Seeing the adornment of Layla’s palace...)

Here, Layla symbolizes the Divine or the beloved, and her palace represents the beauty and majesty of spiritual love. The adornment signifies the richness of the spiritual experience that awaits those who are devoted and committed to the path.

"അതിനാലെ നിസ്ക്കാരം ജംഉം ഖസ്റുണ്ട്"
(For that reason, there is a void in the palace...)

This line suggests that despite the beauty and allure of the Divine, there is an emptiness or longing that remains. It reflects the idea that even in the presence of divine beauty, the soul may still feel incomplete or yearning for a deeper connection.

"അവകാശിയായ് ഞാനല്ലാതെയാരുണ്ട്.."
(Who else is there but me as the rightful heir...)

This concluding line emphasizes the personal relationship between the seeker and the Divine. It suggests a sense of ownership and intimacy in the spiritual journey, where the seeker recognizes their unique position as an heir to the divine love and grace. It conveys a deep sense of belonging and responsibility in nurturing that relationship.

"കൊടും കാട്ടിനുള്ളിലെ ആ കൊള്ളിക്കൊരു ലാക്ക്"
(In the midst of the dense forest, that solitary twig...)

This line symbolizes the spiritual seeker's journey through the challenges and darkness of the material world. The "twig" represents a fragile yet significant intention (ലാക്ക്) that guides the seeker through the wilderness of life, suggesting that even a small intention can illuminate the path.

"ചുടു മുത്തം നൽകണം എനിക്കും ലൈലാക്ക്"
(I will give you a burning pearl, O Layla...)

The burning pearl signifies the seeker's heart, which is purified and transformed through the fire of love and devotion. This line expresses the seeker's willingness to offer their heartfelt intention to the Divine, symbolized by Layla, as a gesture of love and commitment.

"കൊടുവാളാൽ തുണ്ടം തുണ്ടം അരിഞ്ഞതോർക്ക്"
(Cut into pieces by the sword of fate...)

This line reflects the Sufi concept of the seeker's ego being cut away, piece by piece, through the trials and tribulations of the spiritual journey. The sword of fate represents the divine will, which shapes the seeker's path and prepares them for union with the Divine.

"കൊട്ടാരത്തിൽ ഇന്നത് ലൈലാന്റെ അറാക്ക്"
(In the palace, this is Layla's command...)

This concluding line emphasizes the seeker's ultimate goal of reaching the palace of the Divine, where they will be united with Layla. The phrase "I saw her" (അറാക്ക്) signifies the moment of realization and connection with the Divine, symbolizing the attainment of spiritual enlightenment and union with God.

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